
Common Homeopathic Remedies For Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever: Part 1

Please refer to the first paragraph here for brief instructions on undertaking homeopathic remedies.
  • Allium cepa: Indicated for excessive, bitter nasal discharge; red, burning eyes, excessively watery eyes with stinging tears; severe sneezing especially while entering a warm room, cough, hoarseness; headache, burning and sore eyelids/lips/nostrils. Symptoms worsen in a warm room both in the evening and morning (pollination times). Symptoms improve in cool, open air.
  • Arsenicum album: Indicated for persistent sneezing, thick watery nasal discharge, dull throbbing headache, tickle on inside of nose, congested nose, burning or bleeding of nose; burning, inflammation of eyes with bitter tears, red, scabby lips; sensitivity to smells and food odors and to light. Feel chilly; have burning thirst for cold drinks, sip drinks. Symptoms worsen after midnight, after exertion, smoking, in wet or cold weather, during weather changes. Symptoms improve with hot food and drink, when wrapped up, with head elevated, sitting up, and sweating.
  • Arsenicum iodatum: Indicated for sneezing, nasal irritation with persistent sensation of needing to sneeze, swollen and sore nose aggravated by sneezing, thin, watery irritating discharge, burning in nose and throat. Feel thirsty and chilly. Symptoms worsen in dry, cold weather or in windy, foggy weather. Symptoms improve in open air.
  • Arum triphyllum: Indicated for sneezing that worsens at night, persistent sneezing without relief, prickling in nose, dull throbbing headache, sore nostrils, obstructed nasal passage so must breathe through mouth, blood in discharge, constant picking of nose until it bleeds, chapped face and lips; hoarse voice, stinging eyes, asthmatic breathing. Feel thirsty but drinking is painful. Feel drowsy, nervous, and irritable. Symptoms worsen in cold, wet winds, in the evening, while lying down, or while talking.

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