
Common Homeopathic Remedies For Asthma: Part 3

Please refer to the first paragraph here for brief instructions on undertaking homeopathic remedies.
  • Lobelia: Indicated for asthma attack accompanied by weakness in the stomach and preceded by prickling all over, rattle in chest, difficulty in expectorating, chest constriction causing shortness of breath. Feel sensation of pressure in chest. Symptoms worsen after sleep or smoking. Symptoms improve after rapid walking, in the evening, in warm places, or after eating a little.
  • Natrum sulphuricum: Indicated for asthma attacks in damp or cold air; cough with thick green mucus, hold chest while coughing, feel pain in left part of lower chest, need to take a deep long breath. Recommended for children.
  • Pulsatilla: Indicated for asthma marked by dry cough at night that loosens up in the morning, thick yellow/green mucus, shortness of breath, pressure on and soreness in chest, and "air hunger". Feel smothered when lying down, thirstless, discouraged, desirous of sympathy, and whiny. Symptoms worsen in warm room or warm air, in the evening, before menstruation and during pregnancy, and after eating rich foods and fats. Symptoms improve in open air, with erect posture, or upon crying.
  • Sambucus: Indicated for children that awaken with throat spasm or feeling of suffocation; also mucus obstruction, spasmodic cough, whistling while breathing, difficulty in expectorating, chest pressure accompanied by stomach pressure or nausea. Wake up sweating profusely but feel dry, burning heat while asleep. Not thirsty. Symptoms worsen in dry, cold air, during sleep, after consuming cold drinks or eating fruit, or while head is low. Symptoms improve while sitting up, wrapped up, and in motion.
  • Spongia tosta: Indicated for dry, barking, deep cough accompanied by severe dryness in airways, including larynx (which is also painful to touch), wheezing, panting, grabbing throat when swallowing. Symptoms worsen during inhalation and before midnight, in a dry, cold wind, upon being awakened, after raising arms, or by using voice. Symptoms improve when lying with head low, after eating, and after coughing.
  • Sulphur: Indicated for difficult and irregular breathing, violent cough with mucus rattling, shortness of breath at night, burning and pressure in chest, pains shoot to back, rapid morning pulse, red/brown spots over chest. Feel thirsty and chilly. Symptoms worsen at night and while standing and bathing. Symptoms improve while sitting up.

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