
Chinese Patent Medicines - Part 1

Depending on where you live, the situation with regard to obtaining herbal medicines and your access to a qualified practitioner will vary. In some countries you may be able to obtain a variety of ready-made Chinese formulae in pill and powder form. We will look at some of the most widely used patent medicines for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. It is strongly advised that you seek professional advice when taking Chinese herbal medicines.

Cang Er Zi San

This formula is named after its main ingredient, xanthium seeds. It is available as a desiccated, powdered extract under the name Xanithium Formula. Its ingredients include: Fructus Xanthii Sibirici (Cang Er Zi), Flos Magnoliae Liliflorae (Xin Yi Hua), Radix Angelicae Dahuricae (Bai Zhi) and Herba Menthae Haplocalycis (Bo He).

All four of these ingredients dispel externally invading 'wind' from the body and specifically open the nasal passageways. This formula is for the symptomatic relief of acute allergic rhinitis. The ingredients in this formula are often added to other formulae that address the underlying root mechanisms of allergic rhinitis. As this formula only relieves symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion and an itchy or runny nose, it is not meant to be taken between attacks. It will not prevent the attacks from coming back again.

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