
Common Homeopathic Remedies For Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever: Part 3

Please refer to the first paragraph here for brief instructions on undertaking homeopathic remedies.
  • Natrum muriaticum: Indicated for hay fever with watery or discharge like raw egg whites, loss of smell and taste, difficulty breathing, stuffy nose that alternates between streaming with discharge and congestion, sneezing in the early morning, sore nose, burning and watery eyes with swollen eyelids, bursting headaches. Feel thirsty and chilly. Symptoms worsen between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., in the sun and heat, after experiencing an upsetting situation. Symptoms improve in open air, after sweating, upon resting, deep breathing, and cool bathing.
  • Nux vomica: Indicated for runny nose triggered in daytime and outdoors, prolonged violent sneezing, stuffy nose at night, nose feels congested but discharge streams out of one nostril, crawling sensation in the nostrils; eye/nose/face irritation, itching in throat, itching in middle ear, sniffles, scratchy sensation in the throat in early stages. Can't tolerate sunlight (photophobia), especially in morning. Symptoms worsen in the early morning, in cold open air or drafts, after consuming coffee and other stimulants, eating rich foods, being sedentary, with overwork, and fatigue. Symptoms improve indoors, in the evening, in warmth, and after consuming hot drinks.
  • Psorinum: Indicated for stinging in right nostril followed by excessive sneezing, burning followed by increased discharged that relieves burning, stopped-up nose, persistent postnasal drip, red eyelids, bitter tears. Feel sensitive to drafts; chilly, anxious; feel hungry or well before attack; sweat profusely. Symptoms worsen in cold air or after bathing, during weather changes, in the winter. Symptoms improve in the heat, while lying with head low, after washing, and after sweating.
  • Sabadilla: Indicated for violent sneezing attack, excessive itching in the nose, much water discharge from nose and eyes that worsen when smelling flowers; tearing in open air and with bright lights, severe frontal headache, muffled cough, tickling in nose that spreads, itching of the palate, dry moth but no thirst. Crave hot things; feel chilly. Symptoms worsen in open air, cold air, or with cold drinks. Symptoms improve with warmth and warm drinks.

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