
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Mavis was referred to the allergy centre presented to him with a host of symptoms, including abdominal pain, bloating of the abdomen, nausea, loss of appetite, heart-bum and constipation. The surgeon had taken a look inside her bowel and found it to be normal in appearance. Mavis was neither amused nor consoled! 'What's causing all my trouble, then?' she enquired defiantly. The surgeon, to his great regret, gave her the usual dietary advice for patients with constipation: it made her worse! It also made her desperate, and she was willing to try the Low Allergy Diet. Within seven days all of her symptoms faded into obscurity. 'Mind you,' she explained, I nearly gave up in the first few days because I got this dreadful headache, and my muscles and bones were terribly sore.' She was describing the classical withdrawal symptoms that some patients suffer when they stop eating the very thing that is making them so ill. Mavis had an Irritable Bowel Syndrome. In her case it was driven largely by food intolerance.

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