
Introduction to Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic medicine, established in Germany in the 18th century, is based on three principles: like cures like (Law of Similars); the more a remedy is diluted, the greater its potency (Law of Infinitesimal Dose); and an illness is specific to the individual (a holistic medical model). Prescribing considers all of an individual's symptoms and signs. Disease can be permanently and rapidly reversed by using a medicine that is capable of producing (in the human system) the most similar and complete symptoms of the disease in a healthy person. Each homeopathic medicine is "proven" or tested in healthy people and their symptoms recorded. When treating ill patients, a homeopathic practitioner matches the patient's symptoms with a remedy that produced similar symptoms in a healthy person when "proven".

Treating "like with like" works effectively to reverse disease because the homeopathic remedy works on an energetic level (having been diluted to the point that no chemical components remain). It is found that the more a substance was diluted and shaken, the higher its potency. Homeopathic remedies are prepared in a series of dilution steps using water and succussing (vigorous shaking). Potency levels are designated with "X" and "C". The "X" means that the homeopathic remedy has been serially diluted on a 1:10 scale (one part substance to nine parts water) and the "C" means the remedy has been diluted on a 1:100 scale (one part substance to 99 parts water). A number value is placed before the scale designator to identify how many dilutions the remedy has undergone. A remedy designated "6X" has undergone six dilutions at one part substance to nine parts water; a remedy that is designated "12X" has undergone 12 dilutions and is stronger than the 6X remedy. Common potencies available over-the-counter are 6X, 12X, 30X, 6C, 12C, and 30C. Lower potencies tend to have a greater effect on the physical plane, while higher potencies affect the mental/emotional plane.

Classical homeopathic remedies are prescribed for a patient based on each person's unique and distinguishing symptoms. This individualized prescription considers not only the physical symptoms but also the mental and emotional states as well. This is vastly different from conventional medicine, which will generally give one medicine to every patient for a specific disease condition. In homeopathy, any number of homeopathic remedies could be prescribed for that condition, but a specific remedy can be identified after reviewing the patient's individual symptoms.

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