
Allergens Beware: Furnishings and Fixtures At Home - Part 2

Denaturing agent
Tannic acid alters the structure of all allergens, (denatures them) including pollen and dander, as well as mite allergen, so that they no longer cause an allergic reaction. It needs applying three to four times a year, but may discolour pale fabrics or carpets. It is probably harmless to people and animals.

Steam treatment

Mites near the surface killed by steam, although those deeper down in soft furnishings (and mattresses) are likely to be unaffected. Ask for independent proof that the steam treatment is sufficiently hot for long enough to denature mite allergen, as not all steam treatments achieve this. The dead mites and allergen are removed afterwards by vacuuming. Steam cleaning probably needs to be done every three months.

Domestic vacuum cleaners, even HEPA-filtered models, are not powerful enough to clean fabric-covered furnishings sufficiently of mites, which cling to the fabric, or of mite allergen to justify the effort involved.

Heat treatment
This treatment kills mites and denatures mite allergen. The whole sofa, couch, or chair, slightly dampened with a tannic acid solution, is heated to about 100ºC/212 ºF inside a tent-like envelope. Contractors recommend annual treatment. It is also suitable for mattresses, bedding, soft cushions, and curtains.

Liquid nitrogen
This freeze mites to death and loosens the allergn-containing dirt, which can then be removed with a vacuum cleaner. It must be applied by a contractor once or twice a year. It does not leave chemical residues and is safe.

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