
Using Garlic & Goldenseal Against Allergies

Natural Allergy Cures

Garlic (Allium Sativum)

One of the least expensive yet most effective ways to deal with parasites is to use an extract of garlic. Raw garlic and garlic extract have been shown to destroy common intestinal parasites, including roundworms and hookworms. According to Chinese research, in the treatment of 100 cases of amoebic dysentery, the cure rate with garlic was 88%. The study found the purple-skinned bulbous garlic was more effective than the white-skinned variety. In another case, enemas made from tea containing garlic were used for 154 cases of pinworm in children two to nine years old; treatments were repeated on the third and seventh day after the initial treatment. After this period, tests for parasite eggs around the anus were negative (meaning no eggs were found) in 76 of the patients.

Some alternative medicine physicians use freshly juiced garlic (refrigerated after pressing) in the treatment of parasites, dysbiosis, Candida albicans, and other infectious microbes. Common dosage is two to three teaspoons in a two-liter bag, which is infused into the patient's colon at the end of a colonic. If doing an enema at home, use 1-2 cloves of garlic, crush them, steep them in a tea for 10-15 minutes with a tight cover, allow this to cool to body temperature, and then put this in the enema bag. Garlic is fairly caustic and if you use too much, you can injure tissues, so it's better to use a small amount. As an oral supplement, two cloves of fresh garlic daily are recommended; in capsule form, 500 mg, twice daily.

Goldenseal (Hydrastic Canadensis)

The alkaloid berberine is found in many plants and in particularly high concentrations in goldenseal. Berberine inhibits the growth of several common parasities that invade the intestine, including Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Erwinia carotovora, and Leishmania donvania. In one study, children with giardiasis were given either berberine sulfate (a standardized goldenseal extract) or the drug Flagyl. After ten days, both substances produced similar results: 90% of the berberine-treated group no longer had Giardia in their stools compared to 95% of the Flagyl-treated group. Unlike the Flagyl-treated group, however, those receiving berberine suffered no negative side effects. Typical dosage: 500 mg, three times daily.

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