
Steps For Skin Detoxification

Natural Allergy Cures

Skin, as an extremely important detoxification organ, is an essential element of the whole detoxification and elimination system of the body. As in all other organs of the detoxification and elimination system, the skin should liberate the body from toxic substances. The pores and glands are the skin's main pathways of elimination, through which toxic chemicals can be excreted via either sweat or sebum (oil secreted by the skin). When these secretions are blocked, it can lead to detoxification problems.

The body's elimination organs can also help each other and take the place of an overstressed organ. Skin plays an important part in the elimination process, as it has to take over part of detoxification if the liver and kidneys can't fulfill their functions. This is the origin of many skin diseases, which in reality are extreme responses to the elimination process. Toxic overload is a major contributor to allergy and sensitivity.

To promote your skin's ability to detoxify, you need to detoxify your skin. Stephen B. Edelson, M.D., director of The Environmental and Preventive Health Center of Atlanta, in Georgia, emphasizes the importance of skin detoxification - especially sauna therapy - with his allergy patients.

Dry Skin Brushing
To enhance the skin's ability to detoxify, use a loofah sponge or dry skin brush. Brush the skin with long strokes towards the heart, before bathing or showering. Brushed skin is better able to eliminate toxins from the body, as oils and dead skin are removed and pores are unclogged. Toxins are transferred into the main lymphatic drainage ducts, which go directly to the liver for elimination. White blood cells also migrate into the skin after brushing and enhance the function of the immune system.

To proceed, simply begin gently brushing from the ends of the arms with long strokes that sweep towards the trunk of the body. Do all sides of the arms. Then brush the head and neck with downward strokes towards the clavicle (collar bone). Brush the feet and legs upward towards the groin area; again, be sure to brush all areas of the legs. As you brush the trunk, use upward-sweeping motions towards the heart. The ideal time to perform the dry skin brushing is prior to showering; then jump into the shower to remove the dead skin cells. Be sure to clean the brush thoroughly with soap and water and then hydrogen peroxide after each use.

Sauna (Heat Stress Detoxification)
Using a sauna can effectively clear the body of fat-soluble toxins. Studies of fat biopsies before and after a heat stress detoxification protocol revealed an average of 21.3% reduction in the body levels of 16 toxic chemicals, including PCBs and PBBs, with a 64%-75% reduction in harmful toxins. After discontinuing the heat and detoxification therapy, the study found that toxins in patients continued to decrease for up to four months. William Rea, M.D., director of the Environmental Health Center in Dallas, Texas, has published documentation showing that his detoxification program, and lymphatic drainage, produced a reduction of various pesticide residues ranging up to 66%. Dr. Edelson recommends that allergy patients do at least 15 minutes of aerobic exercise preceding sauna therapy to "improving circulation so that the chemicals will more easily leave the fats and move to the liver."

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