
Proper Food Combining

Natural Allergy Cures

If your food allergies/sensitivities are caused by poor digestion, which allows food molecules to escape the gut barrier, proper food combining may help restore healthy digestion. The general rule, according to Patrick Donovan, N.D., of Cancer Centers of America, in Seattle, Washington, is that proteins and carbohydrates are never eaten at the same time (rice is an exception). Proteins may be eaten with non-starchy vegetables; carbohydrates (grains, starchy vegetables) may be eaten with all vegetables as well as legumes. Fruits must be eaten alone, usually as a snack; the same is true with dairy products.

"The rational for this approach is the difference in digestion tome for various food groups," Dr. Donovan explains. "Digestion is optimal if foods eaten together have roughly the same digestion time." Many alternative medicine practitioners have found that food combining helps patients avoid gas, belching, and bloating, which is often caused when sugars (carbohydrates) ferment in the gut because the stomach is busy processing fats. However, some studies have shown that food combining isn't necessarily effective - certain foods may still not be properly absorbed, even if you follow the combining rules. Once again, the efficacy of this diet depends on individual response and various biochemical factors. Your doctor can help you decide whether this may be an effective therapy for your condition.

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